
The Reading Pedagogies of Equity Program (R-PEP) offers university instructors professional learning opportunities in how and why to address the equity issues of academic reading in their classrooms. 

R-PEP is creating a network of literacy teacher educators, a linked group of university instructors who can support their peers and students in critical reading praxes. These teacher educators are pedagogical specialists situated with groups of educators to guide regular group discussions, collaborative inquiry, and introduce new ideas and materials. 

Using speculative pedagogies of qualitative inquiry (Kuby & Christ, 2020), the project asks as it builds the network: What are the processes for the establishment and flourishing of a network of literacy teacher educators in teacher education? What kind of academic reading in teacher education is called for in viral times? What are the pedagogies that could engender such readings and with what effects for the promotion of equity, justice, and diverse ways of thinking, seeing, and doing?

R-PEP Collective

Rachel Heydon, PhD, Professor, Faculty of Education, Western University, Canada works in literacies, curriculum, and teacher education.

Liz Akiwenze, Indigenous Knowledge Keeper and Cultural Educator.

Lori McKee, PhD, Associate Professor at University of Saskatchewan, College of Education, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada whose research focuses on literacies curricula, pedagogies, and teacher professional learning.

Sharon Murphy, PhD, Sharon Murphy, PhD, Professor, Faculty of Education, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada whose research focuses on assessment, literacy education, and early childhood education.

Marianne McTavish, PhD, Professor, Associate Dean, Teacher Education, University of British Columbia, Canada whose work focuses on early literacies, digital literacies, and teacher education.

Mary Ott, PhD, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Brock University. Mary’s research and teaching interests in teacher education focus on multiliteracies, formative assessment, and teacher inquiry. 

Guofang Li, PhD, Professor, Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia, Canada,  and Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Transnational/Global Perspectives of Language and Literacy Education of Children and Youth, whose research focuses on literacy, sustainability and transnationalism.

Melody Viczko, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Western University, Canada whose research interests include critical policy analysis and multi-scalar governance. 

Zheng Zhang, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Western University, Canada whose research interests include literacy and biliteracy curriculum and pedagogy, curriculum studies of transnational education, English academic writing, and cross-border teacher education undergirded by new media literacies.

Erica Neeganagwedgin, PhD, Director Indigenous Education, Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Western University, Canada whose teaching and research interests include Indigenous knowledge systems and Intellectual Traditions; Indigenous epistemologies; Indigenous history and educational policies; history of Indigenous Education in North American contexts and Indigenous Research Methodologies.

Chris Eaton, PhD, Assistant Professor, Teaching and Writing Stream, University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada whose work focuses on how students can inform writing and literacy pedagogies with particular interest in in how students may join teaching and learning conversations to improve pedagogical practice.

Carla Ruthes Coelho, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Education, Western University, Canada, a teacher and early childhood educator whose research focuses on the treatment of gender and sexual identities within Canadian early childhood curricula.

Sandra Poczobut, PhD Student, Faculty of Education, Western University, Canada, an educator, artist, and curator whose work focuses on community-based art practice, multimodality, and ecology.

Bronwyn Johns, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Education, Western University, Canada, an early childhood educator whose research concerns settler-colonialism in early childhood education.

Samia Zayed, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Education, Western University, Canada, an educator whose research interests include curriculum, curriculum making and teacher agency. 

Yasmeen Hakooz, PhD, Research Associate, Faculty of Education, Western University, Canada whose research interests include Canadian identities, linguistic identities, hybridity, and sociolinguistics. 

Fred Seabrook, PhD Student, Faculty of Education, Western University, Canada, an early childhood educator whose research interests include literacies, pedagogies of care, and teacher training.

Blank space.
Blank space.